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Slovenian Athletes in Paris Proved They Are Among the Best in the World

August 10 2024

Just before closing time, the Slovenian House in Paris celebrated the double success of Slovenian athletes at the Olympic Games, which will close tomorrow evening. The event at the Slovenian House, where sportsmen and sportswomen, sports officials, politicians, businessmen, artists and sports lovers and fans in general gathered during the Games, was rounded off with a reception for Olympic gold medal winner Janja Garnbret, a sport climber, and sailor Toni Vodisek, who won silver.

Janja Garnbret thus defended the remarkable success she already achieved at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, proving that she remains undoubtedly the best climber in the world.

"I came to Paris the strongest I have ever been. But I expected the most from myself. It was my toughest challenge since Tokyo and I am proud of myself for having endured it all," the golden athlete confided to the crowd, which wrapped her and Toni Vodisek in a beautiful celebration.

Vodisek, who has shown an outstanding performance in all the competitions, is convinced that he could have done even better. "It was all very stressful. I feel like I've aged a few years this week. The last day wasn't really my day and I have to admit that it wasn't my best sailing."

In addition to Garnbret and Vodisek, 88 athletes represented Slovenia at this year's Games in Paris, 34 of them experienced Olympians and 66 of them competing for the first time. All of them demonstrated exceptional Olympic spirit, sporting talent and dedication in their performances. Silver medallist Toni Vodišek is already looking ahead to the next Olympic Games. "I know I already see myself on the podium again in Los Angeles and hopefully we'll get something more."

The President of the NOC Slovenia, Franjo Bobinac, once again expressed his great respect and gratitude to all the athletes for everything they have done for Slovenia these past weeks. He did not forget the families, relatives and other people closest to the athletes. "Without your support, the successes we are celebrating today would certainly not have happened. You undoubtedly know best and feel what your children feel at the programmes or other competition venues."

Toni Vodisek's father, Rajko, accompanied his son as coach at these Olympic Games. "He has been golden for me since birth and he will remain golden," said Rajko Vodisek, who was also once an outstanding sailor. Janja Garnbret is looking forward to returning home, especially because she wants to celebrate her Olympic success as soon as possible with her parents, who were not able to witness her daughter's performances in Paris directly. "It's always too stressful and tense for them," says Janja.

Toni Vodišek, on the other hand, follows Janja's performances regularly and admits that he will not forget one of Janja's matches in his hometown Koper. "I met my girlfriend, my great love, at the match. Slowly, we started to get to know each other and became a couple. So, Janja, thank you for that too," Toni adds with a laugh.

The two outstanding athletes received giant croissants, more than half a meter in size, from the national team and the Slovenian House, baked in one of the most famous bakeries in Paris.

More photos at: GALLERY.

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11 Aug, 2024
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11 Aug, 2024
August 10 2024  The Slovenian House hosted an exclusive event with one of the best chefs in the world, Ana Roš. The Slovenian Tourist Board, together with chef Ana Roš, prepared a culinary experience for the French media at the Slovenian House, presenting Slovenia as a top destination for active holidays, culinary delights and cultural experiences. Guests were introduced to the finest Slovenian cuisine as only Ana Roš from the three Michelin-starred House Franko can conjure it up.
11 Aug, 2024
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10 Aug, 2024
Company Triglav Skladi,, the main partner of the Slovenian Olympic Committee for the Slovenian House Paris 2024 project, organised a business conference "The Future of Leadership and the Role of Leaders in Shaping the Future" at the Slovenian House today, 9 August 2024. The experts and representatives of various industries discussed the future of leadership. The event highlighted the importance of integrating sport, business and the values of Olympism.
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