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More and more French tourists in Slovenia

July 29 2024

The main business event of Slovenian tourism at the Slovenian House Paris 2024.

On July 29th 2024, the Slovenian House in Paris hosted a workshop on Slovenian tourism, organised by the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB). Over 30 French travel agents and tour operators attended the event, where seven Slovenian tourist destinations and associations presented their offers. This was the first of two business events for Slovenian tourism to be organised by the STB at the Slovenian House during the Paris Olympics, and the second, aimed at the media, will take place on 10 August.

The Slovenian Tourism Workshop was centred on bilateral meetings between Slovenian destinations and product associations and French tour operators and travel agencies. The fact that the workshop was held during the Olympic Games obviously increased interest in Slovenia, as more than 30 representatives of French tourism came. As the guests said, Slovenia's visibility in France was also boosted by the third Tour de France victory of our outstanding cyclist Tadej Pogačar.

Director of the STB Maja Pak Olaj said: "It could be said that French tourists have recently rediscovered Slovenia. Last year we recorded a 29% increase in the number of overnight stays by French guests compared to 2019, our best year ever, and the trend continues with a 28% increase in the first half of this year. Slovenian tourism is particularly popular with the French for its activities in the great outdoors, excellent gastronomy and rich cultural experiences, while good air links between the two countries are also contributing significantly to the growth of the market."

The STO is also carrying out a number of other communication and marketing activities in conjunction with the Olympic Games in Paris. These present Slovenia as a destination where world-class sport and unique unspoilt nature are intertwined, and as an attractive, boutique country committed to sustainability.

In cooperation with the Slovenian Olympic Committee - Association of Sports Federations (OKS-ZŠZ), the STB launched
a joint promotional campaign at the beginning of June with the central message "Slovenia. It's All is in Our Nature with the central message "Success is in our nature". The campaign combines images of Slovenia's beautiful nature and more than 20 top sportsmen and sportswomen, including Olympians Janja Garnbret, Kristjan Čech, Andreja Leški, Toni Vodišek and the women's handball and men's volleyball teams. The STO is running the campaign on social media as part of a global digital campaign in 21 foreign markets, with TV advertising on Eurosport and intensive communication on its own channels. The campaign also marks the image of the Slovenian House in Paris.

The STB is also equipping Slovenian fans with the distinctive I Feel Slovenia fan props, with the first of more than 27,000 flags and fan clapboards already turning the venues where Slovenian athletes have competed green.



France is one of the primary markets for Slovenian tourism, which last year ranked 9th among foreign markets in terms of number of overnight stays. The STB's increased engagement on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Paris complements its continuous promotional and communication activities in this market.

In the French market, the STB has been running a global digital campaign throughout the year with ads on Google platforms and social networks. It will also run content advertising in the prestigious media Le Monde and Le Figaro in this market again this year.

The STB hosts or supports numerous study trips by French journalists, resulting in high-profile publications in the French media, and collaborates with renowned French brands such as the Michelin gastronomic guide.

In collaboration with Tour de France organiser A.S.O., the STB partnered with social network X to promote Slovenia during the biggest cycling spectacle, the X Amplify Sponsorship campaign, which has been awarded several times over the years at festivals such as BalCannes, SEMPL and SoMo.

The STB is also active in the French market in communicating with the business public. Among the business events at which Slovenian tourism is regularly represented under the auspices of the STB, the IFTM Top Resa Paris stands out, and this October Slovenia will host the meeting of the association of tourism organisations and tour operators from the Paris region, Les Entreprises du Voyage Ile-de-France.

The second Slovenian tourism business event on the sidelines of the Olympic Games will take place on Saturday, 10 August. This day at the Slovenian House will be dedicated to presenting Slovenia to the foreign media.

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